Professional Attire Guidelines
Dress Code for Meetings with Guests and Site Visits
At a minimum, students should dress to Level 5 - Baseline Casual (see image below) for meetings with guests and Corporate Partner Mentors on site.
If a higher dress code is warranted, we will let you know in the invitation of the meeting.
You should not wear the following when we have visitors:
sweat pants
crop tops
ripped or dirty jeans
Additional guidelines from Indeed are listed here.

CCO Career Closet
Purdue’s CCO Career Closet offers professional attire to students for interviews and job fairs as a lot of students come to campus without these items and/or may not be able to afford them. The Career Closet provides a free service for these students where they can schedule an appointment with us and take up to one full professional outfit per academic year.
Navigate to the CCO Career Closet page to learn about the JCPenney Suit-Up Event where you can access discounts and save on careerwear, shoes, and accessories for a limited time this Fall.
Days and Hours Open: Only during appointment hours, usually Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the academic year. Use BoilerConnect to see most accurate appointment availability.
Donation Hours: Preferred Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., yet will not turn donations away if someone arrives during regular business hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Do students have to return the clothing? No, items are theirs to keep at no charge.
Who operates the closet on a day to day basis? The Career Closet Intern and Student Peer Assistants assist students in need with finding items in their size and showing them the dressing room. Additionally, Career Closet Intern and Career Closet Coordinator (staff member); Career Closet Intern sorts through the donations and organizes them according to size and item type. Any donations that do not work for the closet are donated to alternative organization on and off campus.
Assignment Detail
Purdue Students
Purdue West Lafayette student should submit a photo of level 1-3 business attire to Gradescope.
Level 3: Executive Casual
Level 2: Traditional Business Attire
Level 1: Boardroom Attire
Don’t have business professional attire? Please visit CCO Career Closet for a FREE business attire.
If you are unable to visit the CCO Career Closet or can’t get access to business attire, contact your TA for other options.